Falmouth day

Falmouth being heaving, we got to the Maritime Museum 10 mins before it opened; we were first through the door and spent a fairly happy 3 hours there. I say 'fairly' because it does have a lot for the kids - fair enough - and a fey performance by young women hanging off apparatus with droning music, apparently channelling sea monsters various - not fair. 

We were up in the tower with the views when the Pendennis berth master reorganised the boat with a broken engine who rafted to us in the gathering dusk last night - they had come from The Scilly Islands motoring into the wind and twice their engine had stopped. That must have been extremely unpleasant. So we watched with some trepidation as they clambered around our boat to move theirs but all was well. The Pendennis staff take their shoes off before boarding a boat, no doubt something the superyachts expect. Last night's arrivals didn't do this and included 2 teenage boys ' much clumping over our foredeck, and we washed the boot marks off today.

Pics from the Museum tower are Sirena IV sitting with the big boys, and looking across the front of Falmouth town - boaty or what?!

This afternoon we walked over to sandy Gyllyngvase beach and had a lovely swim along with hundreds of others. The weather is perfect mid-August, hot sun, warm sun, clear skies.


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