Curate's Egg

There was good and bad today. 

Bad - leaving Fowey with not enough wind and big rolling seas. And due to Lesley's mistake the main was unusable because the halyard got wrapped round the radar reflector. We put out the foresail and kept engine on all the way through the rolling, surging hours, and now our shoulders ache with all the heavy helming.

Good was actually getting a berth in Falmouth, after all the marinas had put out the FULL sign. Pendennis, the poshest of the lot, called us back to say he had a small space for us, wedged between two superyachts.  See pic.

Good was the harbour master Steve shinning up the mast to retrieve the halyard. Bless you forever, Steve.

Bad was the fact that at 9pm, fed, watered and having a game of cards, a boatfull of people and a dog appeared and rafted up to us, trampled all over our bow and generally disturbed our peace.

It wasn't our best day, though like a curate's egg, good in parts.


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